Tara Reade, who accused President Biden of sexual assault in the 1990s, tweeted a message that has raised questions about Biden’s past. She said that if something happens to her, all roads lead to Joe Biden.
The House Oversight Committee is investigating alleged coordination between the FBI and members of the Biden family, including the president and Hunter Biden.
- Tara Reade’s tweet raises questions about what really happened between her and Joe Biden.
- The House Oversight Committee is investigating alleged coordination between the FBI and members of the Biden family.
There may be a pattern of corruption within the Biden family.
It’s clear that Tara Reade’s tweet has struck a nerve with many Americans who are concerned about the allegations against Joe Biden.
It’s important that we get to the truth of what really happened between Reade and Biden, and whether there is a pattern of corruption within the Biden family.
The House Oversight Committee’s investigation is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to hold those in power accountable. As Republicans, we must stand up for what is right and demand transparency and honesty from our leaders.
Source Fox News