Who is Frank? Shocking Revelations from Latest Hunter Biden Investigation!

Republican voters are always keeping a watchful eye on the activities of the Biden family, and for a good reason. While the media is focused on Hunter and Jim Biden, the president’s youngest brother, Francis “Frank” W. Biden, has been flying under the radar.

He is a 69-year-old resident of Boca Raton, Florida, who serves as a “non-attorney adviser” to the Berman Law Group. However, Frank Biden’s name has come up in reports about the Biden family’s corruption.

CNN reported that Biden’s brothers have invoked their family’s connection to suggest access to power and influence. Frank Biden boasted about the “bully pulpit” he had due to “my brother Joey” in a speech he gave to medical professionals gathered in Boston.

Just three months ago, Frank Biden was a keynote speaker at a medical conference in Venice, Italy, where he gave advice to a group lobbying the federal government. He did not pay for the trip but refused to reveal who did.

Frank Biden has been accused of using his family name to leverage business opportunities for himself. In 2009, a local business executive met Frank Biden and later asked him to become the president and frontman for a charter school venture.

Frank Biden accepted the offer and used his family name and connections in Washington to help the company land charter contracts from local officials in Florida, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars over a five-year period.

In the media interviews at the time, Frank Biden was unabashed, saying that his last name was a “tremendous asset” because of his family’s record of “taking care of people who need help.” He said that it brought him “automatic acceptance” as he sought government approvals for the for-profit Mavericks in Education. However, the company has been accused of fraud and mismanagement.

The relationship between Frank Biden and BioSig Technologies, a health technology company, is also murky, with both parties giving shifting statements when asked about it.

A spokesman for BioSig initially said that the company wanted to learn about a federal research program pushed by President Biden and retained the law firm where Frank Biden works as a non-attorney adviser. Two days later, the spokesman said he had been misinformed and that BioSig had never retained the firm.

Republican voters need to pay attention to Frank Biden’s activities and be vigilant about potential corruption. It is clear that he is using his family name to leverage business opportunities and access to power and influence.

While the media focuses on the activities of Hunter and Jim Biden, Frank Biden is quietly operating in the shadows, and we must not let him get away with it. We must demand transparency and accountability from the Biden family, and we must hold them to the same standards that we would hold any other public officials.