You’ll Be Shocked To Know What’s Floating Above Us

In a shocking revelation, official sources from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army have contradicted their own foreign ministry’s claims about the purpose of their spy balloons.

It turns out that these near-space vehicles have offensive military applications, debunking the notion that they are solely used for meteorological research.

This latest development comes in the wake of U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s remarks, expressing a desire to move past the controversy sparked by a Chinese surveillance balloon hovering over the Malmstrom Air Forces Base in Montana, a facility where nuclear weapons are stored.

China’s surveillance craft, which are as large as three Greyhound buses, journeyed through the United States, starting from Alaska in January 2023.

Their mission was only brought to an end when an F-22 fighter jet shot down the massive spy balloon approximately six nautical miles off the coast of South Carolina in February. Throughout this period, the Chinese regime’s surveillance balloon allegedly collected intelligence on the United States.

A detailed report published by the China Media Studies Project, run by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), sheds light on this alarming situation.

The report includes materials from the China Military Network, an official outlet of the People’s Liberation Army. Prior to the spy balloon’s entry into U.S. airspace, the China Military Network published an article titled “An Omnipotent Weapon—How Amazing are Near Space Vehicles?”

This article, written by researcher Qiang Tianlin, highlights the potential for near-space vehicles to revolutionize air defense and anti-missile combat. Tianlin emphasizes that if equipped with weapons platforms, these vehicles can enable rapid global-scale attacks, dramatically accelerating the pace of warfare.

The term “near-space” refers to the region above commercial flight paths where air devices are deployed, ensuring a vantage point above ordinary surveillance capabilities.

Tianlin also stresses the increasing importance of information superiority in future conflicts and suggests that near-space vehicles can play a critical role in achieving this goal, including carrying out space-based countermeasures and strikes.

MEMRI’s report provides vital evidence that the Chinese spy balloons are not only engaged in espionage activities but also designed for offensive military operations.

While much of the debate has centered on the intelligence gathered by these balloons during their observation of various U.S. states, MEMRI’s documentation goes beyond that. By translating open-source Chinese government documents and news reports, the report reveals the Chinese regime’s broader military use of surveillance balloons, airships, and airship-borne hypersonic vehicles.

Following the downing of the spy balloon, the Chinese state-controlled media outlet published an article authored by retired senior Chinese air force colonel Wang Xiangsui.

Titled “The Airship was Shot Down And Has Fulfilled An Amazing Strategy Research Article Published Nine Years Ago,” Wang’s article highlights the potential of airships to become the core of a new generation of air defense systems.

While some may downplay the significance of these incidents, they are part of a broader pattern of Chinese aggression and dangerous behavior. The Biden administration has made some progress in addressing these challenges, but there is still much work to be done.

Cooperation among the United States, its allies, and its partners is crucial to thwarting China’s aggressive actions across all domains. As we navigate this complex landscape, it is essential to build a relationship with China based on solid ground, rather than the illusion of possible Chinese cooperation.

Source Fox News