The Tucker Carlson SECRET That Could Impact the Republican Party


Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, is reportedly considering moderating his own GOP candidate forum for the 2024 presidential election.

This ambitious plan has generated a lot of excitement among passionate Republican voters who are looking for a fresh voice in the upcoming election cycle. Carlson is willing to walk away from some of the millions that Fox is contractually obligated to pay him if that would give him the flexibility to have a prominent voice in the 2024 election cycle.

His plan is to moderate his own GOP candidate forum, which would be independent of the Republican National Committee debate system.

This move would challenge his former employer, Fox News, which is hosting the first official primary debate. While any possible deal would boil down to unresolved questions of money and editorial control, multiple smaller cable news networks have approached Carlson, including One America News, Newsmax, and Valuetainment.


  1. Tucker Carlson is willing to walk away from millions to have a prominent voice in the 2024 election cycle.
  2. Carlson’s plan to moderate his own GOP candidate forum challenges his former employer, Fox News, which is hosting the first official primary debate.
  3. Multiple smaller cable news networks have approached Carlson, including One America News, Newsmax, and Valuetainment.
  4. If Carlson moves forward with moderating his own GOP candidate forum, it could be a game-changer that shakes up the entire political landscape in 2024.
  5. Carlson is looking for a fresh voice in the upcoming election cycle.


Tucker Carlson is a bold and ambitious voice in conservative politics. His plan to moderate his own GOP candidate forum for the 2024 presidential election is an exciting and innovative move that challenges the traditional media landscape.

While his former employer, Fox News, is hosting the first official primary debate, Carlson is looking to shake things up and offer voters a fresh voice in the election cycle.

It will be interesting to see how this bold move plays out and whether Carlson will be able to deliver on his promises of a different kind of show, one where he takes big issues and debates them. If he can deliver, he may well be the key player in the upcoming presidential election.

Source conservativebrief