Another Democrats BLUNDER, Guess Who’s Making Things Worse?

The case of Sen. Feinstein highlights the challenges of age in politics. While there is no doubt that experience and wisdom can be valuable assets, there comes a point where age can become a liability.

In the case of Sen. Feinstein, her recent absence from the Senate has highlighted concerns about her health and cognitive ability. While shingles is a relatively common and treatable condition, it can be more severe and long-lasting in older adults.

And with the senator approaching 90 years of age, questions are being raised about her ability to fulfill the duties of her office.

This is not the first time that concerns have been raised about Sen. Feinstein’s age and fitness for office.

In 2018, she faced criticism for her handling of the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, with some suggesting that her age and cognitive decline were to blame.

Of course, it’s not just Sen. Feinstein who is facing these challenges. Many politicians continue to serve well into their 80s and 90s, and while some are able to maintain their mental and physical faculties, others clearly struggle.

This raises important questions about the role of age in politics. While it’s understandable that people would want experienced and knowledgeable leaders, it’s also important to ensure that those leaders are capable of doing the job they were elected to do.

This may require more frequent health assessments and retirement age limits for politicians, similar to those in other professions.

Ultimately, the case of Sen. Feinstein should serve as a wake-up call for politicians and voters alike.

We need to take seriously the risks of age in politics and work to ensure that our leaders are fit and capable of serving the people they represent.
