1/3 Democrats BELIEVE Something You And I Know Is TRUE About Biden, Take A Wild Guess What It IS

A recent survey conducted by the Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group has found that approximately one-third of Democrats believe President Joe Biden may have a conflict of interest with China that could impact his administration’s handling of China’s aggressive actions against the US.

The survey asked participants if they believed President Biden’s family business relationships with China could be causing him to have a conflict of interest in his approach to China’s aggressive behavior. Of the respondents, 57.2% answered yes, 33.5% said no, and 9.3% were unsure.

Although a majority of Democrats (54%) did not think President Biden has a conflict of interest with China, 33.3% believed he did.

Meanwhile, most Republicans (80.9%) and independents (53.5%) believed that President Biden does have a conflict of interest with China.

The survey was conducted over a year after the release of Peter Schweizer’s book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, which unveiled information about the Biden family’s business dealings in China.

The book reveals that the Biden family received $31 million from five different deals in China, all of which were connected to individuals involved with China’s spy apparatus.

Schweizer wrote that the risk of financial transactions between a Chinese businessman connected to the spy agency and the son of the U.S. vice president could not be overstated.

As reported by Breitbart News, Hunter Biden established two entities with Ye Jianming, Hudson West IV and SinoHawk, to enable Ye to invest in US infrastructure.

The Biden family received a total of $6 million from Ye’s companies. Additionally, in a deal with CEFC, Hunter allegedly discussed setting aside 10% for the “big guy,” Joe Biden.

The survey also revealed that a majority of respondents believe the Biden administration should be more aggressive in leading a global coalition to contain China.

In conclusion, the survey conducted by the Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group suggests that a significant percentage of Democrats, Republicans, and independents believe that President Biden has a conflict of interest with China due to his family’s business dealings in the country.

Furthermore, the majority of respondents believe that the Biden administration should take a more aggressive approach to contain China.

Source https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/03/11/poll-one-third-of-democrats-believe-joe-biden-has-conflict-of-interest-with-china/